viernes, 4 de octubre de 2019


Dear Researchers and Practitioners,

Tourism Intelligence Forum (t-Forum) is pleased to announce its 2020 Global Conference, to be held in Algarve, Portugal, from 18-21 March 2020

Organised by the Research Centre for Tourism, Sustainability and Well-being (CinTurs), in partnership with Pestana Group, the t-Forum 2020 conference, Breaking Old Barriers for a New World: Mobilizing Tourism Intelligence to Survive, is all about the transfer of knowledge or intelligence to and within tourism.

The t-Forum brings to the Algarve Keynote Speakers of recognised international merit and will provide several workshops for academia and industry. The conference will also bring together the leading national and international players of the tourism industry to discuss with academia the current challenges facing the tourism sector.

The conference has several publication opportunities, and 7 awards will be given to the best papers presented at the conference.

Deadline for abstract submission: 15 October 2019.

Best regards,

On Behalf of the Organising Committee
t-Forum 2020 Global Conference

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