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-He aquí el documento resultado de casi cinco años (2010 a 2014, 55 artículos) escribiendo cada mes en HECONOMIA, con análisis y propuestas para el turismo provincial:

-Los 12 artículos de la sección EL MURO del diario Huelva Información (año 2015):

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martes, 20 de mayo de 2014


Alfonso VARGAS-SÁNCHEZ is the promoter and Editor-in-Chief of ENLIGHTENING TOURISM: A PATHMAKING JOURNAL (ET), launched in 2011. ET is an international, multi-disciplinary, refereed (under a double blind-peer review), online and open access journal aiming to enhance research in all fields of tourism. It is the first in Spain with this character, fully in English. It is indexed in many repositories and scientific databases, as listed in its main web page.
The journal welcomes all kind of research papers with theoretical and practical implications for any tourism segment, together with book reviews. It is published twice per year, covering the periods January-June and July-December.
Dr. VARGAS-SÁNCHEZ’s main research interests are in the Strategic Management discipline and in the tourism industry, both in companies and in destinations.
At present, he is a full professor at the University of Huelva, where he has been distinguished with the 2002/2003 Teaching Excellence Diploma, and the 2006/2007 Teaching Excellence & Quality Award as a member of an online teaching group.
Since 2004 he heads the Research Group named "Innovation and Development Strategies in Tourist Firms" (GEIDETUR), included in the Andalusian Government's Plan of R&D&I.
Prof. VARGAS-SÁNCHEZ has carried out academic activities, both in researching and teaching, in different Universities and higher education institutions around the world, in the five continents.
Nowadays, he serves as Visiting Professor in the UK at the York St John Business School and the School of Business and Entrepreneurship of the RAU (where in addition he is a member of its Advisory Board), and in the University of the Algarve (Portugal), where he also is invited researcher and member of its General Council. Additionally, he collaborates with the Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education, in Portugal, as external expert.
He has served in several positions, but currently he leads the Iberian Circle of Business Economics (CIBECEM, network of border Spanish and Portuguese Universities) and the Spanish-Portuguese Network of Researchers on Tourism (REINTUR).
Posted in Gaudeamus (the academic network for publishing in journals) on May 19, 2014.

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