

Bienvenido/a a este blog, que nace, con el año 2012, como vehículo para la transferencia y divulgación del conocimiento, particularmente en materia de turismo. Como complemento:

-He aquí el documento resultado de casi cinco años (2010 a 2014, 55 artículos) escribiendo cada mes en HECONOMIA, con análisis y propuestas para el turismo provincial:

-Los 12 artículos de la sección EL MURO del diario Huelva Información (año 2015):

-Y las múltiples colaboraciones en Hosteltur:

Además, en la siguiente URLs encontrará más, mucho más, sobre mi actividad académica (mi legado):

Y lo más importante: ¿aún no conoce Huelva? Descúbrala en el siguiente enlace y en la presentación que sigue: -

domingo, 20 de diciembre de 2020


Now that we are about to conclude the year, it is time to be accountable for the activity carried out. Thus, in addition to 7 keynote speeches in national and international events, my scientific production in 2020 has been the following, clustered by main topics:

*Tourism (covid-19)

1.-Entender el turismo post-coronavirus: posibles escenarios. In: Turismo post covid-19. El turismo después de la pandemia global: análisis, perspectivas y vías de recuperación. Salamanca: University of Salamanca, 2020, chapter 1.

2.-Covid-19 crisis: a new model of tourism governance for a new time. Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes Journal, Vol. 12, 6, 2020, pp. 691-699.

3.-Estrategias de destinos y empresas en el mercado turístico pos-COVID-19. In: Turismo pos-COVID-19. Reflexiones, retos y oportunidades. La Laguna: Cátedra de Turismo CajaCanarias-Ashotel de la Universidad de La Laguna, 2020, pp. 147-160.

4.-COVID-19: el día después para el turismo español. Revista AECA, nº 130, June 2020, pp. 19-21.

5.-O turismo sobreviverá, mas também vai mudar. Anuário de Tendências Turismo’20, 2020, pp. 104-108.

*Tourism (circular economy)

6.-Tourism Circular Economy: Proposal for a Research Agenda. In: Mapping, Managing, and Crafting Sustainable Business Strategies for the Circular Economy. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2020, pp. 1-10.

7.-Opportunities and Challenges of Circular Economy for the Tourism Industry. In: Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurship Development and Opportunities in Circular Economy. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2020, pp. 106-124.

*Tourism (overtourism)

8.-Overtourism and Smart Cities: Present and Future. In: The Overtourism Debate. Emerald Publishing Limited, 2020, pp. 267-278.

9.-Overtourism: A Challenge for Smart Cities. Proceedings of "II Jornadas ScienCity 2019: Fomento de la Cultura Científica, Tecnológica y de Innovación en Ciudades Inteligentes". Huelva: University of Huelva, 2020, pp. 26-29..

*Tourism (other topics)

10.-Creative Process and Culinary Experiences in Michelin-Starred Restaurants. Journal of Culinary Science & Technology. Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print, 2020.

11.-Perceptions of Halal Tourism in Indonesia: Mental Constructs and Level of Support. International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage, Vol. 8, 4, 2020, pp. 37-49.

12.-Impacts of Tourism Development and Residents' Satisfaction: An Explanatory Model for the Case of Huelva, Spain. In: Handbook of Research on Resident and Tourist Perspectives on Travel Destinations. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2020, pp. 41-65.

13.-Diagnosis and challenges of tourism in the province of Huelva. In: Contributi in onore di Gaetano Maria Golinelli. Napoli: Rogiosi Editore, 2020, pp. 37-52.

14.-Agenda dos usuários nas políticas públicas de turismo: uma análise em Curitiba (Brasil). Rev. Turismo y Sociedad, Vol. xxvii, july-december 2020, pp. 95-109.

*Strategic Management

15.-Estrategia Empresarial y Propósito Social: El Caso de Alma Natura. OMNES, Vol. III, 2, 2020.

16.-The attachment to a social purpose as leverage for change: the case of the first Certified B Corp in Spain. Electronic Conference Proceedings of Sinergie - Sima Management Conference, Vol. FP, II, 2020, pp. 369-382.

*Other topics

17.-Product Authenticity and Food Fraud: the case of organic olive oil in Spain. Proceedings of the XVII SIM (Società Italiana Marketing) Conference, 2020, pp. 1-6.


18.-Product authenticity: dimensions from the agri-foodstuffs producers’ side. Electronic Conference Proceedings of Sinergie - Sima Management Conference, Vol. EA, III, 2020, pp. 423-430.

19.-ESPOmar Project: New passenger maritime transport system for the Gulf of Cádiz. (Preliminary Results). Proceedings of the Marine Design International Conference, 15th-16th January 2020, Cádiz (Spain), pp. 11-17.

My gratitude to co-authors and collaborators from different parts of the world.

In short: 7 articles in journals, 8 book chapters and 4 papers presented in international scientific conferences. In terms of the languages used, 13 of them in English, 2 in Portuguese and 4 in Spanish.

The appraisal of this output (which doesn't include supervision of research activities, biannual edition of ET Journal, participation in numerous webinars, knowledge transfer to the society, and the work done in ongoing/in preparation projects) should be done taking into account that it has been reached with almost no financial support. It is important to bear this in mind because a fair research assessment should consider a measure of productivity, that is a ratio between outputs and inputs, which is usually missing.

In total during my academic career, the summary is displayed in the following table:

Despite all this, my students are firstly, particularly in this pandemic time in which everything is harder. They are really brave.

(Post nº 349 in this blog)

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