

Bienvenido/a a este blog, que nace, con el año 2012, como vehículo para la transferencia y divulgación del conocimiento, particularmente en materia de turismo. Como complemento:

-He aquí el documento resultado de casi cinco años (2010 a 2014, 55 artículos) escribiendo cada mes en HECONOMIA, con análisis y propuestas para el turismo provincial:

-Los 12 artículos de la sección EL MURO del diario Huelva Información (año 2015):

-Y las múltiples colaboraciones en Hosteltur:

Además, en la siguiente URLs encontrará más, mucho más, sobre mi actividad académica (mi legado):

Y lo más importante: ¿aún no conoce Huelva? Descúbrala en el siguiente enlace y en la presentación que sigue: -

sábado, 9 de enero de 2021

Introduction to my keynote in the 4th International Scientific Conference TOURMAN 2021

It is available on my Youtube channel:

Nevertheless, its text follows:

Hello. My name is Alfonso Vargas. I am Full Professor in the Management and Marketing Department at the Spanish University of Huelva, where I also serve as Editor in chief of “ENLIGHTENING TOURISM. A PATHMAKING JOURNAL”, listed in Scopus.

My keynote in the 4th International Scientific Conference TOURMAN 2021, organized by the International Hellenic University, in Greece, will revolve around the following question: "A new tourism governance for a new time?"

It is my intention to contribute to the engaging conference theme, “Restarting tourism, travel and hospitality: The day after”, with a reflection on the role of destinations governance in the post-pandemic time, more specifically to present some key guidelines for the re-calibration of tourism governance in the emergent post-viral context. 

The challenges of this new time and the ways of acting to address them (with inertias to reverse and actions to explore) should be framed, from my perspective, within a model of tourism governance built on the re-adjustment of its core values, the enhancement of its managerial capabilities, and the articulation of a new alliance with society. In short, in a new context (for socio-economic, technological and other reasons), tourism governance should evolve: business as usual will not be an option. Hopefully, my speech on this topic is of your interest.

Let me conclude this introduction showing my gratitude to the conference organizers for their invitation and the opportunity they have offered me to participate in this scientific event together with so many distinguished scholars. Undoubtedly a great occasion for sharing, learning and contributing to the rewarding effort of rebuilding the tourism industry worldwide. I hope we can meet each other online: we count on you. Thank you and see you then.

All the details about this conference at:

(Post nº 353 in this blog)

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